Fete of Festivals

The school’s reputation depends not only on its achievements but also on developing the children’s sense of communal harmony and respect for its own tradition and culture. So there have been celebrations not only for Republic Day, Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti but also we celebrate Christmas Carnival with full enthusiasm every year. We also have commemorated great personalities and celebrated Teacher’s Day and Children’s Day.

Delhi Public School HRIT - fete05Acknowledging the Hero

'Bapu' as he is fondly called will always have a place in our hearts as our man of principles, who practiced and preached non violence to achieve freedom for his country. Dipsites came together to demonstrate their love and honor for this revered personality. Pictures of his struggle were put upon the school display board which was informative and recreated the era before Independence. On this day Dipsites joined the National Cleanliness Drive following "Cleanliness is next to godliness". 



Delhi Public School HRIT - fete06Christmas Carnival

As Christmas approached and students were ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus. The spirit of Christmas could be felt amongst the students as the corridor of the school echoed with the sound of Christmas carols and tinkling bells. Every nook and corner was decked with the Red Santa bells and rainbow colored balloons. Students wore red Santa caps and decorated Christmas tree with bells and ribbons. 


Delhi Public School HRIT - fete01Patriotic By Heart

On the blissful occasion of Independence Day and Republic Day, dipsites reiterated the principles of the Constitution of India under the fluttering Indian tricolor. They stood proudly to celebrate the National Festivals of the Country. The students remembered the Freedom Fighters who laid down their lives to give us glorious legacy to take to the next century. They reminded through their speeches that it is our duty to realize the dreams of our forefathers. The students appealed everyone to present to dedicate themselves to make our country a superpower by making it free from the clutches of Poverty, Hunger, Unemployment, Communalism Et Illiteracy. Keeping with the tradition, sweets were distributed among all. 


Delhi Public School HRIT - fete02Reciprocal Love

To make the celebration of birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan memorable and pay reverence to the teachers, Teacher's Day was celebrated with enthusiasm and gaiety. The programme saw whole hearted participation of all students, sharing responsibilities and rendering good wishes to teachers. The senior students adopted the role of teachers for the day. Beautiful cards with touching messages of love made the teachers feel special. A ceremonial cake was cut for good wishes. 


Delhi Public School HRIT - fete03Govinda @ work

Dipsites Celebrated Janmashtami with great zeal. Amongst music of `Govinda Aala Re' and `Yashomati Maiya Se Bole' students of Pre Primary classes took part in a tableau recreating Gokul and Mathura and leaving the audience mesmerized. 



Propitious Juncture

Delhi Public School HRIT - fete04

Basant panchmi was celebrated with grand flamboyance as the students sang prayers of goddess Saraswati and worshipped her. A Puja ceremony was organized invoking the blessings of the goddess of knowledge and wisdom, with the chanting of mantras.  

Events like Investiture ceremony, Graduation Ceremony, Scholar Badge are conducted annually to instill the spirit of leadership and responsibility.