British Council Accredition Journey

The School is enrolled in the British Council International School Award for the year 2020-23. We are conducting a lot of activities with a global outlook for the ISA. The activities which gave learning to the students based on art, culture, cuisine, costumes, famous buildings and monuments of countries like USA, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and China during the Summer months. The school witnessed flow of knowledge when students in one such British Council project compared the similarities and dissimilarities of three democracies of the world-India, Nepal and USA.

To hobnob with internationalism in school education and to expose ourselves to varied experiences DPS HRIT Campus registered for British Council's International School Accreditation Programme. School has already received International School Award for 2020-23. The task is to complete school projects keeping with international learning, multidisciplinary approach, proper evidence of student participation and both student- teacher satisfaction. It is a privilege to share experiences of our projects submitted in past and the work in progress for future.

Mystery Kitchen Bag

ISA Activity Mystery Kitchen Bag was organised for Classes Vth to VIIIth in the month of December 2019. The students prepared recipe booklets with the help of their parents and grandparents. After extensive research work with them, the students prepared attractive recipe booklets famous cuisines of India, China, France and Italy.

Through this activity our students got the hands on experience of guided research work. It was also a good bonding experience for them with their parents and grandparents.

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ISA Activity Food Fest

"ISA Activity Food Fest was organised on Wednesday, 30th October 2019 in the school premises from 11 AM to 1 PM. The students enthusiastically set up their food stall under the supervising eye of their respective class teachers with prepared famous dishes from the countries India, Italy, China and France.

Through this activity students got the first hand know how of the famous dishes of the above stated countries, their ingredients including the spices used and the methods of preparing them. It was indeed a great learning experience for our students."

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Poem Recitation And Enactment Competition

Poetry is an art that lies in the soul and spirit of man since the beginning of time and a poet is the one who inscribes his personal life and experience because he has an obligatory desire in his heart to express his ideas to symbolize his poetic philosophy about life.  In order to understand the beautiful and musical patterning of words and to know more about the great poets of India & UK, an inter house and intra class Virtual Poem Recitation and Enactment competition was organized. From UK, the students chose various poets such as William Shakepeare, William Wordworth, P.B.Shelly, A.L. Tennyson, W.B.Yeats, John Keats and William Blake and from India, the students chose Indian English Poets such as Rabindranath Tagore, Sarojini Naidu, Jayant Mahapatra, Nissim Ezikiel and A.K. Ramanujam. The participant were judged on the basis of Physical Presence, Voice & Articulation, Dramatic appropriateness, Level of complexity, Evidence of understanding and Overall performance criteria. All the participants performed really well. The judges appreciated and applauded the performance of the participants.

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पौधे ही धरती का आधार ,पौधों से ही जीवित संसार"

"पौधे लगाओ ,धरती बचाओ।" इस संदेश को देते हुए आज कक्षा 7 व 8 के छात्रों ने पौधों के विषय में जानकारी थी और साथ ही यह  भी बताया कि यदि पौधे नहीं होंगे तो जीवन भी असंभव हो जाएगा।  सुबह की प्रार्थना सभा में छात्रों ने विभिन्न पौधों के विषय में जानकारी दी और समझाया कि उन पौधों से हमें क्या -क्या लाभ होते हैं ? पौधों के औषधीय गुणों, उनके रंग- रूप, उनके जीवन आधार होने के विषय में बताया और संकल्प लिया कि प्रत्येक छात्र एक पौधा अवश्य लगाएगा और उसकी देखभाल भी करेगा।

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ISA Activity of PPT presentation on herbal plants

PPT presentation on herbal plants was conducted in DPS hrit campus Ghaziabad. Students present slide presentation on herbal plants. The students tells about the botanical names of these plants, their medicinal properties and their uses in day to day life to cure various diseases. This is an attempt to make the students aware of the ancient Indian Science of medicine that is native to Indian subcontinent.

The students also got an opportunity to study rare plants and herbs that grow in the garden. The students were also taught about the measures to keep the environment clean and green.

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Students nurturing and preparing flower bed for *herbal garden* for ISA activity

ISA Activity of nurturing *Herbal Garden* was organised in DPS HRIT CAMPUS.

A myriad variety of herbal saplings are planted by the students themselves. The students are educated about the botanical names of these plants, their medicinal properties and their uses in day to day life to cure various diseases.

This is an attempt to make the students aware of the ancient Indian Science of medicine that is native to Indian Sub continent. Apart from this the students are also sensitized to the importance and advantages of having these herbal plants within the reach ,thus reinforcing concern for environment .

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Activity: Travelogues

*Always say yes to new adventures* 

With this view, Under the ISA British Council Activity students of Class-VI, VII & VIII have prepared travelogues of countries viz India, Nepal and Sri Lanka which contains detailed description of the places, food they eat, dress they wear and historical monuments.

*'Keep calm and travel on'*

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Activity: Book Cover & Brochure Designing

Poetry enhances our understanding and appreciations of the world around us. To give insight into the world of poems and poets DPS HRIT Campus has organised an activity

' Book cover and brochure designing'  as a part of ISA activity, where students of classes 6,7 & 8 designed brochures and book covers of poets of India and UK.

This project helped students to appreciate the poetry of India and UK. Moreover they developed the interest towards various types of poetries and gained the knowledge about poetic devices with the enhancement of vocabulary.

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Activity:  Article writing

ISA Activity of Article writing on *Rivers our lifelines*was organized in our school DPS HRIT Campus. Students wrote articles on *Rivers our lifelines *and present their thoughts on how rivers are useful to us. Rivers are the lifeline for all life forms. Rivers not only make our planet habitable, they also make it exceedingly beautiful. Rivers are invaluably useful for man, animals and plants. They are the source of potable water, irrigation for agriculture, power irrigation, transport, food, recreation and leisure etc. Without rivers, life will come to a hault. We humans exist because of rivers. The river banks have attracted settlers from ancient times. These settlements have also become big cities. That is why rivers are considered the lifelines of human civilization.

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Activity:  Touch and Feel Game

ISA activity - Touch and Feel Game Through Senses was organised for classes IInd and IIIrd on 16th March, 2020. The students were blindfolded and they had to guess the name of the ingredient used in the preparation of food items by their smell, texture and taste. The ingredients they had to name through this activity are the most common ingredients used for preparing popular dishes of China, France, India and Italy. Through this activity the student gained a deep insight into the texture, smell and taste of various ingredients used in the preparation of numerous food items. The activity also enhanced their understanding of these ingredients.  The students really enjoyed exploring the texture, taste and smell of various ingredients. It was indeed a great learning experience for our students.

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Activity:  Calligraphy

ISA Activity of Calligraphy Presentation on Our Immortal Heroes was organized on 19th November, 2019. The calligraphy presentation was on any quotation by legend of different nations. The students participated in it with a lot of enthusiasm and zeal. They prepared colorful and attractive posters with quotations of their favorite legend. It was a good learning experience for the students which they thoroughly enjoyed. It was conducted in the form of Inter-House Competition.

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Experiential Learning is a process through which students develop knowledge,skills and values from direct experiences outside a traditional academic setting. Keeping this in mind DPS HRIT Campus organized an activity ‘Know your money’,as a part of ISA activity for Classes VI to XII where students experienced the difference between the domestic and International values of a currency and learned about how we buy and sell between countries. This activity helped students to figure out exchange rates themselves.

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Activity:  nurturing Herbal Garden was organised in DPS HRIT CAMPUS.

A myriad variety of herbal saplings are planted by the students themselves. The students are educated about the botanical names of these plants, their medicinal properties and their uses in day to day life to cure various diseases.

This is an attempt to make the students aware of the ancient Indian Science of medicine that is native to Indian Sub continent. Apart from this the students are also sensitized to the importance and advantages of having these herbal plants within the reach ,thus reinforcing concern for environment.


Activity: Board Decoration“Learning By Doing”

DPS HRIT Campus believes in constructive learning, where our students actively learn and construct their own knowledge. In order to develop the learning through international dimensions, our school has organized ’Board decoration competition’ as a part of ISA activity where students of class 6,7 and 8 prepared their respective class boards on the theme “poets around the world”. Students learned about the poets of different genres and their spectacular work.


Global Village at my Backyard 

We had a great pleasure to explore countries like China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, UK, France and USA. We are now acquainted with their national flag, culture, costume, cuisine, art, history and geographical location. Since the project was taken up during the summer camp, I must say we had most wonderful holidays touring these countries. 

Democracies of the World

My Government, My Choice was rather a strong topic. The senior students did an extensive research of three democracies i.e. India, Nepal Et USA. We did a comparative study to know how these democracies thrive. We participated in quiz competition to test our knowledge wherein our parents were also invited. A CD of the quiz was sent to Universal School, Kathmandu. This appreciation swelled our hearts with pride.

They came and they conquered

Life and work of Martin King Luther, Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi gave us the opportunity to compare the work and influence of these great leaders. We extensively researched and learned about apartheid movement. Now all the students of this school are ambassadors and advocates of racial equality. 

Brotherhood in the Neighborhood 

It was all about knowing the country of our partner school at Kathmandu Nepal. This project made us more sensitive towards the Himalayan country. We dedicated a song and dance to our partner school. 

Blow Hot and Blow Cold 

It took us to the deserts of the world Sahara and Gobi. Students compared temperature, life, population, vegetation of these hot and cold deserts. We all understood the true meaning of integration of various disciplines. 

Money Matters! 

Yes! Mathematics, life science and social studies in the same class. Money matters enabled us to recognize and identify currencies of few countries, understand exchange rates and be able to convert values of different currency to Indian rupees and know the denomination of smaller unit of different currencies. So engrossing was this topic that often primary school students have been seen checking each others knowledge on exchange rates during their journey in the school bus.

Animal Kingdom

Do you think Kindergarten kids got left behind? No not at all they learnt about national animals of different countries, food and habitat of these animals and grew love and concern for these animals. They now know about the protection of endangered animals. Their bonus was their visit to zoological garden with their teachers. 

Fold Tales

Another Kindergarten project Folk Tales gave the tiny tots an exposure to the world of folktales. Stories of Goldilocks, Arabian Nights and Momotaro are their all time favorite. You may be pleased to check out on how wonderful these kids looked during the fancy dress competition where they were dressed as different characters from the folktales of different countries. 

Working for ISA created the right environment in our school. Today we have world vision. We are growing empathy with our brothers in different countries. We think and behave globally. We are more responsible and certainly more equipped to handle competition. Now the World is our Oyster!